UPDATE 3/25/2020: Since this article was writen, Nik Richie is no longer the owner of thedirty. However, the site still does not remove content by request.
TheDirty.com which is a website that allows anyone to submit “dirt” on anyone, such as information on cheating exes, has been known not to ever remove posts, even though they offer a removal request page. There are a few exceptions and these have to do with copyright violations. Our company has dealt with several individuals listed on TheDirty who have sent in multiple removal requests which have been denied.
A search of the DMCA copyright violation notices at chillingeffects.org will show that several individuals have unsuccessfully tried to remove content by sending copyright violation notices to Google (and presumably TheDirty), but most of the time, neither Google nor TheDirty have complied. However, there are a few times that TheDirty and Google have removed content, mainly having to do when a photographer or someone with legal standing has requested. So unless there are some copyrighted images that you are the owner of or unless you have some legal representation, you may be out of luck in removing content from The Dirty, but even then the chances are very slim.
We found an individual that has sent in multiple emails for removal, but Nik Richie, the owner of thedirty, has refused to remove them and instead he has posted the full removal email requests, making the matters worst for this individual. In this case both the original poster and the victim have sent in request without any luck. The victim had even offered to pay for the removal, but Nik declined. Below you can see the full postings:
Nik even posted this on top of the first post:
“*Update: Dear World, I’m not removing this post. Please stop asking. It won’t happen.”
There have been numerous lawsuits against TheDirty, but with the exception one case that is still pending, all have been lost due to the CDA law which protects public forums from liability of what others post.
How We can Help?
Reputation Stars offers TheDirty post removal services. If you have negative posts on thedirty that you would like removed, please contact us. We have successfully removed numerous listings from thedirty legally. If you would like to see some references, they could be provided. We guarantee post removal from thedirty or you do not pay.