, Revenge Porn Website, Shut Down by the Feds has been prosecuted by the FTC and Nevada. The revenge porn siteurged users to “Add an Ex” and “Submit Pics and Stories of Your Ex” for ratings from other registered users. The results of this prosecution have ensured the removal of and that its owner, Neil Infante, is never allowed to operate again. This vile web page charged victims amounts that ranged from $500 to...
Read MoreIs it Possible to Remove Revenge Porn from Google?

Everyday, thousands of people all over the world wake up to the realization that nude pictures of themselves have appeared online. It could be that you were the victim of a targeted attack, or just a vengeful ex looking to get back at you. Whatever the case, these pictures can be damming to your career prospects, your future relationships and your life. If you, or someone you know, has had this...
Read MoreLaw Against Revenge Porn is Advocated in Sacramento
If you’ve ever suffered from nude or sexually suggestive photos of you posted online from an ex, you know how mortifying and out of control the whole situation can feel. Posting pictures of former partners online anywhere from sexually suggestive to explicit is considered “revenge porn” in the law making system. Revenge Porn is highly damaging not only to an individual’s...
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