Blog is back up after being down for over 3 weeks is back up after being down for over 3 weeks

We reported last week that was a victim of hackers taking it down due to DOS attacks. It seems the site has gone live now and Nik Richie has improved his servers and technology. He posted a message on thedirty stating: “ is back online. We are still under DDoS attack and other attacks, but I’ve put a stronger team in place and rebuilt the infrastructure from...

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TheDirty Looses Lawsuit but turns out it was filed against the wrong company

A judge just awarded $1.25 million over defamatory comments on brought by a woman who says comments on the site stated that her 3 children were from 3 different men because she wanted to collect child support and the owner Nik Richie refused to remove them when she requested. The judgement was awarded against Dirty World Entertainment Recordings. However, TheDirty attorney states...

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Nik Richie of TheDirty gets his iCloud account hacked showing extortion messages

Nik Richie of TheDirty gets his iCloud account hacked showing extortion messages

We just reported that was down due to hacker DOS attacks.  Apparantly they also hacked Nik Richie’s icloud account and a personal message from it was posted online showing Nik trying to make a deal with girl or prostitute to sleep with his friends so then he could remove a post…funny stuff.  We have no way of knowing the authenticity of this, so we leave the judgment up...

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Thedirty gets taken down by hackers has been down for the past 2 weeks apparently hit by a group of hackers. The group “Anonymous” seems to be behind it and FBI is currently investigating. However, another group called Justice Squad took credit on youtube as well. TMZ Reports that the owner Nik Richie has lost over $250K-$300K already in ad revenue due to the hack. It seems this is a Denial of Service...

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Pierre Zarokian, CEO of Reputation Stars, on How to Fight Yelp

Pierre Zarokian, CEO of Reputation Stars, on How to Fight Yelp

Yelp was created to try and help users familiarize themselves with amazing spots in a city they thought they were familiar with. It used the opinions of friends to try and source these recommendations. At a small scale, this worked very well. Reviews were honest and people used the check-in feature to add authenticity. As Yelp scaled, it failed to deal with the underlying of problem of...

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Who Needs ORM (Online Reputation Management)

Who Needs ORM (Online Reputation Management)

Anyone whose web site appears in response to an online search might need ORM. Consumer generated media offers the public an opportunity to express their views. This information can be found in search engine results. The more a product, brand or company is exposed to public attention and scrutiny, the greater the likelihood that someone will want to challenge their reputation. This can include...

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