
Ripoff Report Removal: Your Options Explained

Ripoff Report Removal: Your Options Explained

Ripoff Report is a website setup to field anonymous complaints about a business or service, but some users post things that are untrue or damaging to your reputation. If you’re concerned about your online reputation management, read on for advice on how to remove Ripoff Report posts and salvage your presence in Google. Social Media If you’re worried about your appearance in search, than...

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Proactive Online Reputation Management

Proactive Online Reputation Management

Proactive reputation management is an excellent strategy for any scaling brand concerned about its image online. Being proactive means you stay on top of alerts to your brand, that you remain agile and can respond to customer concerns, and that you’re in touch with your brand’s appearance online. Here are some tips to help you create a system for yourself. Domain Real Estate The first thing...

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How Yelp Negative Reviews can Ruin a Business

How Yelp Negative Reviews can Ruin a Business

According to the Harvard Business Review, negative Yelp reviews can severely hurt the bottom line of your business. Restaurant’s seem to be among the most susceptible to the reputation management problems that come with poor reviews. Here are some of the ways that a negative Yelp review can affect your business for the worst. Fewer Patrons Negative Yelp reviews mean that fewer people will want...

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Defamatory Content Removal: Learn Your Options

Defamatory Content Removal: Learn Your Options

If someone has said something about you that is untrue, and damaging to your reputation, it can feel like you have no recourse for making things right. If you try and petition site owners that allow this kind of content, they may not respond to you. Here are some options for online reputation management if you’re ever in this situation. Social Media Practicing good SEO and social media allows...

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Google Releases New Update to Allow Autocomplete Removal Requests

Google Releases New Update to Allow Autocomplete Removal Requests

Google released its “autocomplete” feature in 2004, and it was designed to streamline search. One only needed to enter the first few letters of a query, and Google would seem to magically find exactly the term you wanted. Today, the feature can seem somewhat invasive and creepy, but it’s a handy feature many users can’t seem to live without. Google’s feature works based on the...

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